
Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of World Institute of Pain and the Organizing Faculty, Drs. Miles Day, Fabricio Dias Assis and Agnes Stogicza, we would like to invite you to join us at our 2023 course. This year’s meeting is being held April 14-16, 2023 at the Lake Nona Wave Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

The World Institute of Pain courses were established in 1995 with the primary objectives of educating physicians to promote the development of safe, high-quality practice of interventional pain management techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of pain and related disorders, and to promote patients accessing pain management from all corners of the world.

This Orlando program offers a Review Course with hands-on cadaver workshop for those who are preparing for the FIPP and CIPS exam. Extra this year is a mock exam station for those prepping for CIPS.

In addition, the FIPP and CIPS Examinations will be offered on Sunday, April 16, 2023. The FIPP Examination will be available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

We look forward to seeing you at the 9th course in Florida organized by World Institute of Pain in April 2023!


Fabricio Dias Assis, MD, FIPP
Program Co-Director
Miles Day, MD, FIPP
Program Co-Director
Agnes Stogicza, MD, FIPP, CIPS
Program Co-Director